About Us

About Us

Hello! My name is Michelle and I am the owner, artist, and crafter at Stars and Whimsy! 


Stars and Whimsy began as a dream and a name. I loved the name Stars and Whimsy, and I knew I wanted to work for myself. That was pretty much all I had. That was, until my sister recommended I consider making mouse ears. In October of 2021 we had taken a family vacation to Disney World and I was beyond obsessed with the ears. She had seen some absolutely stunning ears on Instagram and knew that I couldn’t definitely do that too! So I tried making my first pair, and BAM, I was hooked.

While making mouse ears I continued to draw and admire kawaii culture. I knew that it was time to start expanding my business into this area because I just absolutely love cute things! I wanted to share my art with others who also “squee” every time they see something adorable! 

A little about me, myself, and I? I am 34 years old and have lived my entire life in the gorgeous state of Michigan. I have a degree in Music and a degree in Japanese. I have worked as everything from a bank supervisor to a cake decorator. 


But now, the fun stuff. I love creme brûlée. I’ve been enamored by kawaii culture since I knew about it. My favorite color is black. I am one hundred percent a dog person (cats are cute though...). I like true crime, but am afraid of the dark. And I believe every crunchy leaf on the ground should be stepped on! 


Lastly, I am so excited you are here reading this. It’s taken me a long time to find my “thing” and you here supporting me means the world. Thank you.